September 20, 2012

Penne with Peas and Prosciutto Chips

In theory, a Costco membership sounds like a great idea. You save money on the things you need in bulk, like paper towels and cheese. If you're lucky, they even have a gas station where you can fill up for less.

HOWEVER, like most things, the reality of the situation is much different. Somehow you get back home after spending >$150, not knowing what it is you really bought. This is how I found myself in possession of 2 lbs. of sugar snap peas and 1 lb. of mixed Italian meats, along with a 12-pack of gum, 1.75 L of Bacardi, and 24 sandwich thins. Of course this is not all I bought, but this partial list should serve to give you an idea of the randomness that was my shopping.

YES I also got platters. They were only $15 and I'm sure you'll see them in a later post.
Fortunately, good things do come to those who Costco (yes, I just made it a verb). Like the other night, when I was craving some pasta like it was my job. I open my fridge, and BOOM the huge bag of snow peas stares me in the face. And BOOM there's a bunch a prosciutto just chilling. So obviously this meant it was time to make Penne with Peas and Prosciutto Chips.

Basil + Prosciutto Chips = how can you go wrong?
Though it sounds decadent, this is actually a really easy recipe to throw together on a weeknight. Making the prosciutto chips is an extra step, but I definitely think it's worth it to add that extra salty bite to the pasta, which is otherwise smooth and rich. And think of all the other possibilities for prosciutto chips, not least of which is eating them like regular chips. Have a gallon of water handy, though.

So next time you find yourself over-Costco'd (yes, it's now an adjective), get creative and get cooking!

Penne with Peas and Prosciutto Chips
Serves 2

Who'd have thought prosciutto could get much tastier than it already was?
4 slices prosciutto
4 Tbsp. olive oil
3/4 lb. snow peas
10 leaves basil, roughly chopped
1/2 lb. penne pasta
salt and pepper
grated cheese

To make the prosciutto chips: Preheat the oven to 400 F. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, spread out prosciutto slices in a layer. Bake for 7-10 minutes, or until crispy. Break into pieces once cool enough to touch.

While the pasta is cooking, heat oil in a large skillet. Saute the snow peas until bright green, seasoning with salt and pepper. Add in basil, turn heat to low.

When pasta is ready, drain, reserving about 1 cup of the pasta liquid. Pour the pasta into the pan with the peas and basil, and stir to combine. Add as much of the pasta liquid as necessary (about 1/2 cup) to bring the sauce together. Cook until all the flavors have combined. Serve immediately, garnishing with prosciutto chips and grated cheese to taste.

September 16, 2012

Birthday Eats

24 long years ago, on a dark and stormy September night, I was born. OK, so maybe I'm over-dramatizing a little bit, but point is, I just celebrated my 24th birthday! If you know me, I get VERY excited about my birthday. I mean, it is the best day of the year ;).

What did I do to make the most of my special day? Well, Ann Arbor is known for having many birthday deals (summarized on the "city wiki" here), so I tried to hit up as many of these as possible, summarized below:

Northside Grill: A cute little breakfast/lunch spot nearby to where I live, they give you a free entree on your birthday. So I started my day there with the Cajun Skillet - complete with spice and andouille sausage. A delicious way to clear my sinuses first thing in the morning!
Breakfast of a (24-year-old) champion.
Lab Lunch: OK, so obviously this is not a restaurant, but it was a happy surprise that Kate, one of the post-docs in lab, made me pumpkin squares complete with homemade ice cream! They were so delicious, I begged for the recipe to make and share (with permission, of course!). See below. The squares were so gooey and perfect with a buttery crust that I ate TWO portions for my lunch. Because that's what you do on your birthday.
The whole platter is for me, right?
Zingerman's, Iorio's, and Cupcake Station: After ducking out of lab early (it was my birthday), I headed over to get my 15% discount at Zingerman's deli - I got 2 loaves of bread, fresh mozzarella, and a couple of their delicious brownies all for $26! Then over to Iorio's for my free small gelato - this time I had Riesling sorbet + dark chocolate ginger. They don't go together, but they were amazing of course. Finally, I wrapped up by heading to get my free mini cupcake at Cupcake Station - red velvet of course. NOM!

Mani Osteria: To top off a delicious day, I went to my favorite Italian restaurant in A2 - Mani Osteria. Recently named one of Travel and Leisure's top Italian restaurants in the nation, I made sure to finish my favorite day of the year by eating some of my favorite pizza. Mario Batali even likes their food, and was spotted here a couple weeks ago! My choices? Rosemary and pistachio, and a clam pie. Other favorites include sausage and peppers (for a little spice), and balsamic and burrata (with fresh mozzarella on top). Hungry just thinking about it...
Pizza pizza, everywhere!
Pickled tomato app - VERY recommended!
...of course they sang to me...

To everyone who made my birthday fun (and delicious) - THANKS so much, I had a great time :). Couldn't ask for more.

Pumpkin Squares
Adapted from Dr. Kate
Makes a 9 x 13 pan

1 package yellow cake mix
1 egg
1/2 cup melted butter (or margarine)

3 cups (1 lb 14 oz) Libby's canned pumpkin pie mix (NOT just pumpkin)
2 1/2 tsp pumpkin spice
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
5 oz evaporated milk

1 cup reserved cake mixed
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter (or margarine), softened
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Combine all crust ingredients, reserving 1 cup of the dry cake mix for the topping. Press into greased 9 x 13 pan. Combine all filling ingredients with an electric mixer, blend until smooth. Pour over crust. Combine all topping ingredients, sprinkle over the filling.

Bake at 350 F for 45-50 minutes, or until a knife comes out clean. Serve warm, with whipped cream or ice cream on top.

September 13, 2012

Chorizo Sweet Potato Hash

It's 8 PM. You get home late from yoga, and you're ravenous after doing lots of Downward Dogs and Warrior poses. What do you do? Order in? Pray for leftovers to be in the fridge? Of course not! Get creative and throw some stuff together for dinner.

This time I felt particularly inventive, as I don't usually make stir fries or hashes or one-skillet dinners (I'm the one who uses all their pots and pans all the time). However, I figured I'd combine two of my favorite things (besides pasta) - sweet potatoes and chorizo - in a hash! Super easy (<30 minutes, take THAT Rachael Ray), and super flavorful.

Of course there has to be carbs-on-carbs involved :).

Chorizo Sweet Potato Hash
Serves 2

3 Tbsp olive oil
2 sweet potatoes, diced into 1/2 inch cubes
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
2 links chorizo sausage, removed from casing
1 tsp fresh rosemary
1 cup cous cous, prepared according to package directions
salt and pepper

Heat oil over medium-high heat. Add potatoes and garlic, add spices, and saute until potatoes are softened. Push to the side of the pan, and brown the chorizo. Add rosemary.

Serve over cous cous, and enjoy!

September 12, 2012

Buffet Ground Rules

So one of my FAVORITE places to visit is a little city in the desert, maybe you've heard of it. It's called Las Vegas. Now, though I recognize everyone is not into slot machines or blackjack, everyone can agree on the importance of a delicious meal. And Vegas is as full of restaurants as the desert is of sand (yes, I just said that).

View of The Strip from Mix Lounge at the Mandalay!
And more specifically than food, Vegas is known for its plethora of buffets. Now, I'm sure you've gone to buffets before in your lifetime. Maybe the Chinese one down the street or some hotel you were staying in had a continental breakfast buffet. However, they do not compare with the MAGNITUDE that is present in Sin City. To that end, I felt compelled to share with you some rules to help you make the most out of your Vegas buffet experience. Because one stomach can only hold so much food, so why waste it?

Bellagio - keeping it classy since 1998

  1. Plan the day to go to the buffet with caution: I am a proponent of the breakfast/brunch buffet (vs. dinner). You fill up in the morning and basically are set for the whole day, full and satisfied. I would NOT recommend putting another big meal on this day, or at least wait 10+ hours to eat again. Also expect to want to walk off those extra calories before heading to the pool.
  2. Scope it out: Don't just start filling your plate with the first food you see! Check out all of your available options and come up with a game plan. For example: first have an omelette and breakfast meats, then head over for some pasta and Asian food, etc. This way you won't leave with any regrets.
  3. Portion control: Yes, that sounds contradictory, as you're about to eat as much as you would on Thanksgiving. However, I mean this in terms of each individual item. Yes, you would normally eat 2 sausage links, but just get 1 so you can have a bite of that delicious-looking pastry later. Also to go along with that...
  4. Bring a friend (or 5): This way you can split any item you accidentally got too much of, and won't double-up on some items. This is especially helpful in the dessert course, as there tends to be lots of pastries, making it impossible to eat them all yourself.
  5. Be sparing with liquids: I normally drink TONS of water when I eat, but this just makes you feel bloated afterwards, especially with all the carbs you'll consume. This rule does NOT apply to bubbly liquids (so go for that extra mimosa!).
  6. Enjoy: You don't eat like this every day, so don't beat yourself up for pigging out. You earned it, you're in VEGAS, BABY!
  7. My recommendation? The Wicked Spoon (in the Cosmopolitan) - such an amazing selection, unique foods, and just overall worth every calorie!
Course 1: "Breakfast"
Course 2: MEAT!
Course 3: Miscellaneous
Course 4: Dessert!
Now go forth and EAT - first with your eyes below, then with your stomach on your next trip to "The Big Town" (as my aunt calls it). Hope you hit the jackpot!

Oh, and don't forget to relax!

September 3, 2012

Jersey On My Mind

Everyone who knows me know that I'm from the great state of New Jersey! OK, well I was born in New York, so I guess I'm a hybrid. Anyway, many may say it's unfortunate to be an Italian-American from New Jersey, especially after shows like "Jersey Shore". However, I feel like instead of GTL, my parents taught me the importance of being close with your family. I also learned about the importance of eating and feeding others, which I know is a shocking revelation to many of you.

Andrew ca. 1990 - found this at my grandma's house.
This Labor Day Weekend, I was fortunate enough to make it back to the homeland! Even though it was a packed weekend of seeing family, most everything revolved around food. So what did I enjoy during my precious 48 hours home?

Dinner 1: José Tejas; Woodbridge, NJ

My family calls this place "Joe Eats" because there's a big "EAT" sign on Route 1 and José almost sounds like... Joe? We're Italian, cut us some slack!! Anyway, it's my favorite Tex-Mex/Cajun restaurant, and I always get the same exact thing - chicken fajitas, with all cheese on the side. I swear these are the best fajitas ever - seasoned with Cajun spices on a sizzling platter with just onions. Don't need any of those other veggies - give me some chicken, onions, and cheese in a tortilla and I'm set.

Source: Yelp - I forgot to take a picture (too hungry...)
Dinner 2: Family BBQ; Staten Island, NY

Obviously on Labor Day Weekend you gotta have a BBQ! My aunt had the family and friends over for one in her newly-redone backyard! As with any BBQ, we had burgers and hot dogs (pronounced "dawgs"). However, we also had a HUGE Italian sub, Penne Vodka, Chicken with Prosciutto, and Grandma's Potato Salad, among other things. Admittedly, we cheated a bit - most of it was catered - but hey, we wanted to celebrate! As expected, even tasting a bit of each dish left you overly stuffed. An there's more! Dessert was trays of pastries from the neighborhood bakery, along with a really cool "Jello Pool Cake" made by my fave cuz-in-law, Jamie! She's also quite the baker.

Never an empty stomach at my family's events.

Source: Jamie's Facebook
Dinner 3: Wolfgang Puck's American Grille; Borgata Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, NJ

Another thing known to those who know me is that every now and then I like to try my hand at games of chance. OK I lied - I enjoy gambling. Don't worry, I have restraint, so no need to go all Intervention on me. Anyway, we went down to AC so I could check out the new Revel Casino and maybe win a couple bucks. Unfortunately the latter did not happen, but at least I had a great day with my family! A day of slots and three-card poker left me hungry come dinner time. When I saw pork wienerschnitzel on the menu, I realized if I were to get it in the US, I should get it from Wolfgang. Since I was in Austria last year, I had fond memories, and this lived up to expectations! Crispy but not overly oily, with a light potato salad and arugula salad with pumpkin seed oil, I gobbled up the whole plate.

Just like Vienna!

Oh, and then there was dessert. This was a surprise (and I actually don't know what it was) because my family wanted to sing Happy Birthday to me. Granted, my birthday is not till the 13th (mark it on your calendars!), but they were cute, and I am very grateful :).

Mystery delicious chocolate cake - but I'm not 24 yet!

I even got one of my birthday gifts already! My aunt heard about my pasta-making adventure, so she got me the attachments for my KitchenAid stand mixer! #love - get ready for more pasta posts soon!! I'm told that I have too much baking for a blog called "Pasta for Thought", so I will work on rectifying that.

I guess it's ... PASTA TIME!
Now that I'm back in A2, time to get cooking. Or go to school, whichever comes first...